Books That Changed Me: Bem Le Hunte
Bem Le Hunte is the author of three novels, The Seduction of Silence, There, Where the Pepper Tree Grows, and her latest, Elephants with Headlights, which is published this month by Transit Lounge.
Meet the Author: Bem Le Hunte
Never lose sight of the whole, in every sense. Find the diversity of your story (the culture and time), but never lose the unity (those principles like love, death, family, spirituality – those powerful themes that are shared in our human consciousness and serve to unite us all).
Why do we protect ourselves from unknown unknowns?
Why do very few people enjoy sitting comfortably with their unknown unknowns? Why is there an uncomfortable liminality ‘betwixt and between’ the known and unknown worlds?
Smart Dust Podcast - How we can all utilise Creative Intelligence to solve problems
One of the fun parts of my job as an academic is the way that the degree I lead – the Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation (BCII) – integrates and includes industry partners. This podcast was recorded by Douglas Nicol – a partner at award-winning Creative agency, The Works, and Nick Abrahams, Global Head of Technology & Innovation at Norton Rose Fulbright. We talk about lots of things, including the work I do at the University of Technology Sydney.
Studying Anthropology at Cambridge and how it inspired my fiction
My first two degrees were in Social Anthropology from Cambridge University. It was an extraordinary privilege that has impacted my life ever since. Less apparent is the fact that I was one of the first few women to be admitted to my college. (There was only 1 woman for every 4 men studying at Cambridge in my time.) This interview conducted by my college many years later, tells something of my Cambridge days and where they led.
Another World Interview
This is an hour-long interview about Elephants with Headlights, complete with a glorious selection of contemporary Indian music presented by the artful Siobhán Moran-McFarlane. I hope you enjoy this journey into Another World – I absolutely loved being on this show and felt that Siobhán had a rare talent for tapping into other worlds!
An interview with Sue Woolfe and Bem Le Hunte of Wuthering Ink
Today I am interviewing well-known authors Bem Le Hunte and Sue Woolfe, who are two of the founding partners in a new author-centred publishing enterprise, Wuthering Ink, which after several years of hard work, was launched in Sydney recently.
Creative Intelligence - What the hell is it?
When I tell people that I run a degree in Creative Intelligence they often ask “what the hell is that?” I interviewed a series of students to answer this question. Their responses were straight from the heart, without any detours. Hearing them speak you can easily see why I love our students and why I so love teaching into this degree!
Stories Have the Power to Save us: A Neurological Framework for the Imperative to Tell Stories
Noah Yuval Harari writes about how storytelling gave humans a unique advantage in our evolutionary journey. This article, written with my husband, is about this evolutionary advantage and our ‘storytelling brains’ and it explains the audacious premise of our title – the claim that stories have the power to save us.